Tuesday, 30 December 2014


Hello there!
Firstly, let me introduce myself, I'm a 21 year old female who likes to talk, but not about herself, so that will stop there. You will however learn a lot from me from my blog posts. Basically it is coming up to New Years Eve.. and as ever, it's the 'New year, new start, new me' doing the rounds. I have decided though... I'm not going to have a new me! I'm keeping this one just the same... because lets be honest, I'm doing alright! I've got a boyfriend who I absolutely adore, I still live at home with my mum, which is cool because she is my best friend! Just this evening we were watching films and laughing. I know some people who don't see their parents, and for this luxury I am fortunate.  I've got a job and a car and all that adulty stuff you actually wanted aged 14... and its not as great as preteen me thought! I have a busy schedule in between seeing my other half, going to work, seeing my friends, seeing my mum and eating/sleeping/breathing necessities. 
2014 I learned a lot, went through a lot, but it inspired me to do this.
Okay, and that's enough about me.. I've said too much already and probably lost a few readers on the first blog... For those that are still here with us... I'll dress myself as Sunny. Enjoy

Kisses, J xx 

Featured post

Hola! Me again!

Another hiatus! I'm terrible at this blogging. Soz. Uodate: I'm in a pub, alone, 1 glass of wine inside me. (A really nice New Zeal...