So this Blog needs a video to show you the story. Wake Me Up In Nashville - Sam Palladio
This is an actor from one of my FAVOURITE TV shows EVER! ABC's 'Nashville'. It's fantastic and you should check it out!
This is Sam Palladio singing at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville. At the beggining, Sam talks of his grandfather Owain and how he was training for WW2 in Florida. There, he came across this woman from Nashville. They dated and fell for each other, but it couldn't last as he was on his way to fight. But he promised her that he'd give her one last goodbye. So, on the night train from Pensicola Florida, to Canada, he told the train conductor to 'Wake me up in Nashville'....
It got to 4am and the train conductor comes in...
"I'm afraid sir, its 4am, we've passed Nashville. I forgot to wake you up. I'm so sorry".
So, he went to war without saying Goodbye to his girlfriend. Now, obviously all was not lost, year's later we were blessed with the creative soul that is Sam Palladio. But somewhere out there is a lady who's probably eternally upset that Owain Palladio never said goodbye.
It just reminds us, that people come into our lives for different periods of time... sometimes fleeting, sometimes for a long time... Yet sometimes they touch us more than we thought and we also need to remember that we're valued by others, even if sometimes it doesn't seem like it. People care about YOU. Even if they're not always there... perhaps they damn sure tried their hardest to be there but something just got in the way... Give them the benefit of the doubt. Like Owain Palladio, he tried... and that's a story that will be with him forever, it meant so much to him that he told his grandson. It touched his grandson so much, he wrote a song...
Next time you get annoyed when you told someone something in confidence about a struggle you were dealing with and they told someone else... perhaps they were worried... no it doesn't make it right... but perhaps they want the best for you and know the person they told could help you better than they can.
Next time someone says "I'm running late, sorry" consider maybe that actually, being late is better than not being there at all...
Next time you feel alone, just think of all the people you speak to, all the people who like your photo's, all the people who ask how you are...
Think about the guy you haven't spoken to for a while because you think they're a little 'weird'... they do care.
Kisses J