Friday 22 July 2016

30 Day Writing Challenge// Day Eighteen: The Object Next To You Starts Talking...

Sitting alone at her Monday to Friday desk job, at 4.30 Friday evening, Emily wondered what could possibly make this day any longer. No one had entered or left the office in over an hour and even her tablet had died from too much candy crush. Emily had taken to playing with the split ends of her hair. At 4.37 she heard a mumble from next to her. Looking around, she saw all the empty desks around her, the sun shining through the window, but no one else was nearby. Where had this mumble come from? She sighs and resumes splitting hairs. "Hey. You still here?" Okay, she was certain that that had to have been coming from right next to Emily... But the only thing next to Emily was a stapler, a binder and a fan, which to be honest Emily had assumed should have had a more tinny voice.
Again, the voice spoke. It was definitely coming from the binder. "Hey. I'm talking to you, there's no one else here..."
"Urm.. Hi Mr Binder... How are you?" Emily said, nervous about talking to a binder, especially one she'd previously launched across the room in anger two days before.
"Mr Binder?! What are you talking about Em?" All of a sudden, the maintenance man Pete jumps up from the desk beside her and startles her.
Emily is stunned... And embarrassed.. "I should go home... Its been a long week" and a red faced Emily walks out of the office.

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