Friday 22 July 2016

30 Day Writing Challenge// Day Twenty-One: A Mysterious Box Arrives...

She watches the taxi driver as he pulls away. Standing in the pouring rain, Emily begins to wonder what was the point in coming back. She had only gone because her therapist had advised her to ‘take a break’. 2016 had been tough on her, she’d had a miscarriage, that had caused her to split with James and nothing had been the same since. The weather reflected her mood. Emily stared up at her flat and began the walk up the stairs to floor three. Approaching her door, she sees a package outside her flat. It was a small box, like something that you'd get a mug in and on it was handwritten “Emz”. That was her nickname.. It was the name all her friends called her.. Before she pushed them away.
Emily had taken the miscarriage very badly. It had made her spiral into depression and she felt the need to push away everyone she loved; family, friends, James. 
She bought the box in and placed it on the living room table, Emily would open it later, but first of all, bath time! Emily hated flying nowadays. Hated being in such close proximity to others like in plane seats, so she just kept her headphones in and pretended to read. That usually kept people at bay.
After a much needed shower, Emily came down with her mid length brown hair tied up in a messy bun. Picking up the TV remote from next to the box, she scrolls through the channels. There's not much on at this time of night… Turning the TV off, her attention turns to the mysterious box. Emily puts it on her lap and opens it.
Inside there is that coloured paper that people use in gifts.. Basically to hide the gift. And there is a letter. She opens the letter and instantly goes to the bottom to find out who its from. 
  • Her heart sank. She missed him so much that even reading his name, in his handwriting brought back some very raw emotions. Emily read the letter, tears streaming down her face. He told her of how he loved her, how he never stopped loving her and how he will love her til the very end. James mentioned their song and how they used to dance in the kitchen without any music. He spoke of how they completed each other, how he doesn't blame her for what happened and how much he needed her. He signed the letter with “yours, now and forever James. PS, if you haven't already.. Dig deep to find what your heart truly desires”. It had been one of their sayings… Emz had always been the careful one who rarely let people in. He had changed that. Placing the letter on the side. She dug through the paper confetti and grabbed hold of a smaller box. It was a jewelry box. A ring box. Emz swallowed, not ready for what was about to come. Inside was the most beautiful vintage, white gold and diamond ring. The one she had picked out years ago when they just started dating. In the lid of the box there was a small note saying “I was going to propose on the 22 March 16”. This was the day after Emz had her breakdown and left him. Even at her worst, he still loved her. Turning the note over, it said “I'd still like to propose…”. Emz heart skipped a beat, she ran to the door, ready to run into the pouring rain for the man she loved. But she didn't need to. Opening the door to her flat and there he was. Soaking wet but still the man she loved.

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