Friday 22 July 2016

30 Day Writing Challenge// Day Twenty: Write A Story With A Countdown In...

"I thought better of you. I didn’t think you’d be this cruel. I loved you you know. I still do. but you don’t even value our relationship enough to say bye before you jet across the ocean. That hurts Morgan… have a safe journey”.
I can hear his shoes begin to clank up the metal staircase. He always did wear nice shoes, never saw him in trainers or anything like that, it was always shoes. A man of style and taste. Yet he had fallen for me. Of all people to fall for…. Messed up, little old me. I upset me he assumed I’d thought so little of him… The truth was, I thought so much more of him than he knew. For the first time since he’d stepped onto the platform, I glanced in his direction. He paused on the stairs and i froze, waiting for him to turn around… He didn’t. He continued up the staircase. 6. That’s how many steps he had til the top. 5. that’s how many steps I had before I lost my chance to tell him exactly how i felt. 5… I was terrified. 4… a lump had formed in my throat making speech near impossible especially taking into account I would now have to shout in order to be heard. 3… Why didn’t he turn around… does he still have something he wants to say? 2… is it worth it… does he really need to know?

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