Sunday 3 July 2016

30 Day Writing Challenge//Day Three: A Second Chance

I’m giving you the power to turn back time, what do you do? Do you go back to that time worth forgetting? Forgetting that that decision you made in that moment was the very moment that lead you here. Here that is your 23rd birthday with your friends. Friends who love you, literally. Literally loving you, even unbeknownst to you. You the fool, the girl who smiles and plays the games just as well. Well, here I’ve given you the opportunity. Opportunity after opportunity you have wasted, yet here it is… the final second chance. Chances to say what you’ve always wanted to say. Say what you’ve always felt. Feel what you’ve always known in your heart. Heart question mark. Mark what is a chance of a lifetime. Lifetime of chances. Chances to be one. One with him.

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