Wednesday 13 July 2016

30 Day Writing Challenge// Day Eight: Flashback Friday

Its your three year old birthday you've got the handmade rainbow cake from your mum. A small gesture for a small child.

Its your first day at secondary school. The halls full of eager kids. That one friend who you've been with since year one, seeks you out in the crowd and sits with you. Little do you both know, that in 8 years time, you'll barely speak twice in a year.

You've moved out. Lost friends. Gained friends. Broken hearts and had your heart broke. On the brink of adulthood and yet you still remember when life was simple.

You're juggling a career and a husband and the idea of kids fills every second conversation. Some days though, you still don't feel old enough.

Its New Year and you've got the family round. As the countdown begins, you start to rethink your life. Each sound of Big Ben reminds you of each passing moment.

Remembering the laughter, the love, the dreams, the highs and lows.

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