Wednesday 13 July 2016

30 Day Writing Challenge//Day Eleven: They Erased The Most Important Memory

  • They erased memories, its what they did.
    After 2018 they decided too many people were drinking as a short term fix. This was usually to forget the mistakes they'd made but after a surge in binge drinking, The Company decided to do something about it. And so here it was: give them your money and they will remove any memory you want. People used it to erase car crashes, house fires, bullying or attacks. Stephen was a new customer for them. A cold, wet Wednesday evening, he snuck down the alley to the old underground station where The Company worked. He paused outside the door. Once he went inside, they would be able to erase every memory of her, is that really what he wanted? Or did he want to relive that moment over and over again? He smirked, he knew exactly what he wanted to do. Once inside, he took down his hood, the end of his nose was wet from the rain, so he wiped his face on the sleeve of his hoody. "Good evening sir. Do you have a booking with us?" The receptionist smiled, there was a strong sense of innocence to her greeting. After confirming his name and taking his hoody, she then asked if it was the 'deluxe package' or the 'standard package'. For something so dark, Stephen was sort of expecting more than what seemed to be a greeting more suited to a Spa. The receptionist tucked her hair behind her ear whilst looking through some paperwork. 3 deep lacerations were there, they were obviously wounds that had been reopened time after time. That was probably it, why the receptionist had been so relaxed... She had no idea what she was doing and every time she nearly got her head round it, they'd give her the 'standard package'. "Mr winters?" Said the doctor. "We are ready for you now".

    • A few days later and Stephen was in the pub with his friends. Having only gone for the standard package, where they only remove the memories you want gone, as opposed to the 'deluxe' where your entire identity is erased. A girl with brown hair comes up to the table. She's young say 17, her hair is curly and she looks genuinely pleased to see Stephen. Unfortunately he doesn't seem to reciprocate.
      "Hey dad! How are you!" She chirps as she takes a seat opposite Stephen. 
      Stephen takes a few swigs of his beer. "Sorry, do I know you?"
      "What do you mean? I'm your daughter. Dad?" "Sorry.. I don't have a daughter. Go find someone else to be your dad sunshine".
      With that, the girl stands up, her stool falls to the floor and she runs out into the rainy London streets. "Anyway, as I was saying... I highly recommend The Company... It really works!" 

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