Saturday 2 July 2016

30 Day Writing Challenge//Day Two: A Business Card With Nothing But A Number On It

What would you do if you found a business card with nothing but a number on it? Would you dial it, text it, throw it away? That was the dilemma faced by Jenny on her last shift at the brew club.
2 more hours she thought as she wiped down table 5. 2 more hours before her shift ended and she was due to move, again, to the outskirts of London whereby hopefully she'd be able to afford to live another 6months before relocation for a 3rd time in 2 years. This wasn't the life jenny had planned. Having spent so many years saving up to move to the big city hoping to follow her dreams and become a star, Jenny had begun to wonder if it was all worth it. "Why so sad?" An older, dark haired gentleman on table three asked. Looking up from the table Jenny smiled and apologised. "That doesn't answer my question" the mysterious man continued to stare at her. He had been in their all day holding what looked like business meetings with clients. Not wanting to be rude to the customer, but also not wanting to burden a stranger with how boring her life was, Jenny responded "sometimes life just doesn't give you any lemons to work with". That answer seemed to satisfy the gentleman and he smiled and took the last sip of coffee. "Maybe when you least expect it" Jenny was now completely confused by the strange man so she returned to the counter.
Catching sight of herself in the reflective surface, she noticed how tired she looked. Exhausted from city life, maybe it wasn't her time. Maybe she should just go back to her small town life and forget about the city lights. Turning around Jenny noticed the strange gent had left. Grabbing the cup and saucer off the table she noticed a business card hidden beneath it. There was something unusual about this card though, much like the gentleman it was vague and didn't say much. The only information on the card was a telephone number... And a detailed drawing of a lemon. Could this be the opportunity she was waiting for?

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