Friday 1 July 2016

30 Day Writing Challenge//Day One: There was nothing casual about this affair

There was nothing casual about this affair. It was the beginning, the end, the rebirth. She needed this.
It was less of an affair, rather a business transaction. She traded in sex and sordid secrets for a sick sense of belonging. What had happened to cause this once happy and confident person, to spiral into an endless cycle of male grasps, feeding off their attention and lusting for more. It was this seedy passion that had brought her back from the edge once or twice with a "come over" text or  a "you look great" holler. She looked into the mirror before she left the house; red lipstick, blonde hair, glasses, all the ingredients of her new found fame. From small town country girl to ruthless rider of the night, a transformation had begun. ©JessMorphew

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