Wednesday 13 July 2016

30 Day Writing Challenge// Day Ten: Despite Her Being Marked Explosive, He Hugged Her Anyway...

She remained silent. Silence was her friend, it kept her from going insane, from erupting. For too long she had kept these feelings inside, constantly using her time trying to fix everyone else. But who was there to fix her? Who was gonna be there when it had all come crashing down around her. She was like a ticking time bomb. Tick, tick, tick, boom. The tanline on her wedding finger, marked her as someone to stay away from. One final push and it would all be over. 
Jenny found respite on the rooftop of the local bar. Its beautiful city skyline views and the colours of the sunset relaxed the ache of her mind and heart. The sound of the distant cars calmed the urge to scream out loud. Up here she was alone and probably as close to silence as she could get with city life. Suddenly the sound of shoes on gravel disrupted her thoughts. Who could it be? No one else knew her secret spot.. No one else would want to follow, surely? 
Arms wrapped around her cold body and pulled her into their chest. She knew from the scent it was James. Her longtime friend who she had pushed away when she got married because she deemed it too difficult. James, the unsung hero. Her knight in Topman armour. Then it happened. She exploded. But she did so with elegance. A subtle release as tears streamed down her face. Finally, despite her being marked explosive, a hug. The only thing she had ever needed... From him

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