Friday 13 March 2015

2015 - People numbers 24 and 25

"That Friday Feeling"

So it was a Friday night and me and my best friend had decided to have a liquid lunch, and go to the cinema and then in turn ended out in a little drinking session in our local bar. As always, the bar was busy... and seats were limited, we sat opposite 2 girls and they started chatting to us! 
These were the sort of girls with an 'alternative style'. I thought this was pretty cool, with her red lipstick, contrasting against her dark hair and piercings. Turns out, the girls were up from London, where they studied. One of the girls was from St Neots, until she left for Uni. 
"It's strange being back here. I see people I went to school with and they don't recognise me. They give me funny looks, which could be to do with the way I dress. You don't get that in London. We can walk into our local bars and no-one will bat an eyelid. We'll go there and we know the bouncers and we just chat to everyone. Everyone here seems like they're in their own world and you can't intrude. We saw you guys though and thought you two seemed nice, so we thought we'd say hi"
"There's not many good looking men here either. In London, there's so many bearded men! Beards aren't really popular here are they?"

Then the girl from London and my best friend got talking about Lipstick... I left them to it. But it did make me think about the difference between big cities and small towns. I've noticed it in Los Angeles and New York too. Perhaps its because there is so many people there that there's half the chance that you don't know the person next to you on the bus, compare that to small towns whereby there's half a chance you're related to the person on the bus! 

But yes, a good night was had by all and the girls wished us a good evening and left to dance. We caught them later chatting to some blokes! (Ironically enough, without beards... perhaps they'd lowered their face fuzz standards...)

Kisses J xx 

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