Wednesday 4 March 2015

2015 - People overheard

Sometimes getting to know people all stems from overhearing their conversations with others. Now I don't mean holding your ear to the door and purposefully listening in... I mean the occasions where you accidently hear snippets of their chats. I work in a hotel restaurant and bar and so I hear varied conversations on a daily basis.
Our hotel holds conferences and serviced offices holding very important people. Some days I'll hear about world events and other times ill hear a group of policewomen spending two hours discussing their cats. I've heard motor groups saying how where you sit at a table correlates with the kind of person you are... apparently independent people tend to leave spaces in between others and if the space is to the left then it shows you like the power... like in driving a right hand drive. A lot of the conversations I hear are about their sleep and how comfortable our beds are!
Last night however, on the bar I heard a customer approach another customer and ask if he can guess what sort of industry they worked in.. He guessed she worked in 'hospitality or travel'. She was impressed as she works for a massive worldwide travel operator! He then smiled and said 'I cheated, I spoke to one of your collegues earlier!'. Then they split off and started talking to each other. It really is that simple to get talking to someone... and yet sometimes people still struggle. Listening in to people conversations makes me realise that a conversation doesn't always have to be exciting about some crazy adventure... It can literally just be about... cats!

Kisses xx

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