Thursday 26 February 2015

2015 - Person Number 22

"Conversations with strangers"

Now this is pretty much what my blog was all about in the first place, getting to know people and making the world that little bit smaller. Much like my first post, I didn't actually interview these people, yet we made a small difference to their day. That's what its all about isn't it... I work in hospitality, that's totally customer based and it's my job to make people smile and ensure they have a good time. In all reality, I'm a waitress/barmaid, some may find that boring but personally I enjoy it. I love making a difference to people's experience in the restaurant. Here's how I made some customers smile today!

I approached the table and started clearing their plates, they're regularly in the restaurant and so I feel comfortable around them. One of them was looking at their phone, complaining about spam emails from Louis Vitton handbags... I'll explain here that he's a male customer. His colleague next to him made a joke asking if he's sure he doesn't want a Louis Vitton Handbag... I chimed in with "But it would suit you" and the table erupted with laughter. As subtly as I came in, I left... Walking past their table a few moments later, they're still laughing about it. Later on, I was in the other room, clearing up after lunch service and a member of the group approached me and told me that "he's ordered a pink handbag with white spots". He then proceeded to talk to my supervisor about how my comic timing was impeccable! So yeah, although I didn't think it was that fantastic, it obviously made them smile. This is important to me, sometimes it's the little things that make a big difference to someone's day. It made me so happy to know that I'd made someone laugh. 

"Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day" - H Jackson Brown Jr.

Make today the day you make a stranger smile! 

Kisses, J

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