Thursday 12 February 2015

2015 - People numbers 18, 19, 20

"Music To Our Ears"
So this time I posted on Facebook a question with regards to music and it's memories that we connect to it. At various points in our lives we all have a song or a few songs that relate to a certain memory of ours, all be it good memory or a not so great memory. I know that I have a song that reminds me of when me and my other half got together (Ed Sheeran - Where we land). The relationship was new and we were taking it slow, seeing 'where we landed' so to speak! It's now progressed to Ed Sheeran - Thinking Out Loud! (Ed's one of the few musicians we agree on with my partners strong routes in hip hop and mine being in Rock and country!) I also recall that time I was singing in Cambridge Mill Road Winter Festival and the look on my teacher's face when I sung "Read All About It Part 2: Emile Sande". That made me happy, he was proud of me and that meant the world to me! 
So we all have 'our songs'. I asked the world of Facebook what their song-related-memory was: 
"What's everyone's song related memory? We all like songs for different reasons, some remind us of good times, some of bad times. What song reminds you of when?"
"Aerosmith: Don't want to miss a thing. Reminds me of my husband as it was our first dance song at our wedding"
"Ol Dirty Bastard reminds me of when I first met your mum and dad and Jason and we danced to it in a nightclub"
"Living On A Prayer and One Wild Night: Bon Jovi, reminds me of when you and me and your mum used to belt it out on Karaoke"

So here are just 3 people who have song related memories. This shows that songs have a strong connection to memories that we retain. 

Kisses J xx

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