Wednesday 18 February 2015

2015 - Person Number 21

"Metropolis Madness"
I met a man today and we got chatting about New York and Los Angeles. Having been to both myself, I preferred Los Angeles, I found more to do, the weather was better and you've got Santa Monica beach! I love a good Beach!
This guy, had also been to both. I asked him his preference, this is what he said.
"Which City is your favourite and why?"
"I love London. I've lived a lot of places and yet I loved living in London the best. I just get this feeling when I go there. Its a kind of excitement that I never got living in the smaller towns. My wife's from the local area, so we moved back up here, but I do miss city life. I love it and when I went to New York, I got the same feeling, but stronger. I think it's because when you're in New York, you're still a 'foreigner'. People come up to you and they're like 'OMG You're English'. There's a fascination with that. Also because it's not your home country, everything is still new. It's all a new adventure with new things to learn." 
"I'm most definitely a home bird. I love England and my small town I live in. I don't think I could live somewhere that's hot all the time. Personally, I love the snow, the rain, the sun, the change!"
"My wife said that too. I don't get it, why would you WANT seasons?"

Kisses, J 

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