Tuesday 3 February 2015

2015 - Person Number Seventeen

"Off to a Flying Start"
So this person spent 3 years studying Travel and Tourism, with aspirations to be cabin crew on board a plane. This was all going off to a great start until one holiday something traumatic happened. Now she's been put off for life and only fly's when she has to.
"Typical, my plane was the one with the crash landing! The wheels wouldn't come down. We made an attempt to land but couldn't. The climb back up wasn't gradual like normal, I can only describe it as: Stealth at Thorpe Park. You ever been on it? It was like that, straight up. That's when we knew something was up. We had to circle for 3 hours whilst waiting to see if we could emergency land at the airport where we were supposed to or if we had to be diverted. In the end we were diverted. It was terrifying though, during the many attempts to land, people around me were crying, the air steward was crying. People were calling family and friends saying 'Goodbye'. Some guy next to me, a stranger was holding my hand saying 'it will be okay' but when the stewardess started crying, I was like, great now we're definitely doomed!"
"Where were you going, what happened in the end? Obviously you're okay?"
"That's the worst part, it wasn't even a long flight, it was London To Dublin. Had to be diverted to Belfast and they supplied a coach took us to Dublin. Belfast had all the emergency services there and when we landed we got to go down the slide, but it was flat because the plane was on the ground. I've been on a plane since but I just couldn't do it as a career."

Kisses xx 

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