Tuesday 3 October 2017

30 Day Writing Challenge: Mirrors

I looked in the mirror. All it was was metal and glass and yet we almost let it define us. Would we get ready without it? No. Would we even take a selfie without it? Not anymore. We show the world a photo of our reflection because even we aren't happy with the real thing. Think about that: we show the world a "mirror image" that's gone through 2 mirrors and a computer screen before we feel comfortable. The irony is that the idea of having 2 mirrors on you seems intrusive. Makes you feel vulnerable right? As a kid, my nan had one of those wardrobes that had the mirrors on the front. I used to open the doors so they faced each other and then I'd stand in the middle... The reflection would work so there would be an infinite number of me. Scary thought now though. I got into my car after deciding my reflection looked okay. Let's be honest I've never actually seen myself in any other form apart from 'reflection'. I've never seen what other people saw. I drove to his house and parked up. I could see his house in my mirror. Cars have that rear view mirror. That's quite fascinating actually.. you can see what's behind yet sometimes you can get blinded by what you see in the rearview. Mirrors now you can just click and it will reduce the glare. Can't do that with life. You're better off just looking forward. I see him. He's smartly dressed, but isn't he always! I bet he's happy with his reflection. I can see through the window that he's not alone. He's with someone; a girl. He kisses her softly on the lips. I should have learned... don't spend too much time looking in the rearview.

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