Thursday 5 October 2017

30 Day Writing Challenge: Intoxication/Poison

Why do I drink? I drink to have fun, to feel euphoria and to forget, even just for a few hours. In the club with the music so loud you can't hear yourself think... That's the best. I don't need to be inside my mind, it's full of bad decisions. Idyllic intoxication. Escapism. 
"I'll pass on the rose". You know why. You know what it does to me. It's a poison. Turns me into an intoxicated incubus. And if you were there? Well who knows what would happen. I've tried so damn hard to evade those feelings but I cant. The truth serum. My poison of choice to fall in love. I become a victim of the beverage and I will take someone with me. Spiralling into a whirlwind of desire. It was wise that I said no. You knew why I said no. We giggled about it... But we know the truth... We know the desire that hides behind a sauvignon smile and a whiskey wink. Rosé. The beginning of the ending of our tale. Had I noticed sooner and not been so damn stubborn, perhaps we could have made it. But that's what I always do. Hide behind a cloud of confidence. A defence mechanism found at the bottom of the bottle.

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