Saturday 14 October 2017

30 Day Writing Challenge: Take a Photo

So this photo was taken when I went to the park with my friend Sarah and her beautiful little boy. I'm pretty proud of this photo, but i know I've got a long way to go in continuing my self teaching of photography. I've been asked to do some photos at a wedding too! :) So I might be 'not too shabby' with a camera, but to be honest, the world is a beautiful place and people should take more photos. BUT! Don't live your life through a screen, I mean, savour those memory photos too. There are images i remember that i never took photos of at the time, but i can recall them like they were yesterday! 
Things such as strolling through Barcelona streets at 1am! The sunset in Croatia. The vibrant colours of Santa Monica and the greeny blue hues of Lake Bled, Slovenia. All absolutely stunning and I did take photos! But i also experienced it, in 4d! The sights, sounds, smells and I will use the photos i took to take me back there whenever I need. Thats what photos were meant for.  

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