Monday 30 October 2017

30 Day Writing Challenge: Exhale, Enter, Enjoy


I breathed in the cold air. I was stood outside of the pub, hesitant about going in. I knew you'd be there. I knew how I'd feel when I saw you. I knew that my stomach would knot itself up like it usually did around you. You'd come over, ask how i was, place your arm around my shoulders and buy me a drink. And all of that terrified me. Such a familiar feeling for me but I was terrified that one day I wouldn't be able to control it. Fear that you'd see all of the emotions that are whizzing around my body paralysed me for seconds.


Ten seconds later, I'm in the pub. The warmth of the room caresses my body and surely enough, there you are, As predicted, you walk over, the smell of whisky catches my nostrils. "How are you? Can I get you a drink?", I know you so well. Surely enough, you buy me a rose. "Cheers" a clink of our glasses. I take a sip of my wine... Sip... Ahh.. I have arrived.

Now to enjoy the evening.

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