Friday 2 January 2015

2015 - 365 people! Person number one


Basically I'm going to spend this year 'meeting' new people. I'm going to either meet someone completely new or I'm going to learn something I perhaps never knew about the people I've already 'met'.
So here's person number one:
Okay, so not a great start, didn't actually meet him... but he made me smile, in a very simple way. HE let me cross the road in front of his car. He then wound his window down and wished me a happy new year. Yes it was little... but it was nice. A nice start to the year! I love little things like that. A well wish from a stranger could be the difference between someone having a bad day to someone having an 'alright' day. And perhaps thats what we need in this world. More randomness, more well wishing, spending less time looking at our phones and speaking to people we already know, take a risk and talk to someone new!

Kisses, J xx

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