Thursday 15 January 2015

2015 - Person Number Eleven

11 - 01 - 2015
This guy studied Aeronautics at University and now works for a large spacey company dealing with scientific explorations of space.
Here's what he had to say when asked how he got into Space and Aeronautics.
"How old were you when you figured you wanted to play with stars?"
"I've always been interested. I've got Buzz Aldrin, George Lucas and Star Wars to thank for that, but aeroplanes were my thing for years but when I went to university, I thought I would bring both together. Once I started studying Astronautics I became really, seriously interested in it"
"So, why planes?"
"I don't know. I guess it was because I grew up with stories about WW2. Especially Douglas Bader as he opened the burns unit I was in (he was a spitfire pilot). I don't remember a time that I didn't love the spitfire."
"What's the best part of your job?"
"And the worst?"

"Sitting at the desk staring at numbers."
"Where do you see yourself in the industry in 5 years?"
"Thats a job interview question! I dunno but it would be cool to work on a launch system..."
"And finally... how many times have you heard/used the term... 'It's not rocket science...?"
"More often at uni. The novelty wears off pretty quickly. Most people I meet don't believe I work in this field. I guess I must look stupid. When I'm chatting to girls, they either don't believe me or I get the Shania Twain 'That don't impress me much'! So these days I just tell people I put the small cut on the 'tear here' line on sauce sachets. People believe that. 28k in student loan and I'm reduced to that!"

Well, here's to you "Spaceman" To Infinity and Beyond! ;)
Kisses J xx 

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