Monday 19 January 2015

2015 - Number Fourteen

14 - 01 - 2015

Okay, so I'm going to be honest! I've not actually been able to keep up with this very well... I've learned that the world is actually an independent place and rather unsociable at times! However! I shall be keeping this blog and still getting to know as many people as possible! But I will be bringing it down to 'as many people as possible' as opposed to 'a person a day'. 

Person number 14:
"The Hopeless Romantic"
This guy has been through a lot in 2014. A relationship split and yet he has a contract with the housing company that means he still has to live with his ex! I asked him if, after all that he's been through if there is anything he wants to put out into the universe?
"Don't let anyone devalue your self worth. My ex used to put me down and belittle me all the time, yet when you're in a relationship, you don't notice it. Love really is blind and you let them get away with so much because you're just blind to it. Once you've seen how much you are worth don't let anyone and i mean anyone tell you otherwise! Go for someone who treats you how you deserve to be treated. I've learned to not fall so hard next time, take it slow and don't rush into things".

Kisses J xx
Speak soon! 

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