Thursday 15 January 2015

2015 - Person Number Thirteen

13 - 01 - 2015
"Every Rose Has Its Thorn Kind Of Guy"
So I met this guy online, we have similar music tastes and he mentioned he was in a band. I thought I'd find out more.
"So tell me more about your band?"
"We're called Steel Rockers and my role is Lead vocals and rhythm guitar. I write songs and we play at a bunch of venues"
"Cover Band or originals?"
"Mostly our own songs but we occasionally do cover songs"
"Whats the most difficult about songwriting?"

"Finding inspiration. I want people to be able to relate to it, not just something they see in a fairytale"
"Do you find yourself writing about situations you've been in?"

"Yes. In our band each band member writes songs that they choose, like 2 of them write hard rock songs, one writes those 80's rock songs and I write power ballads mostly. I find it easier but again I don't want to always be saying my life story to everyone. 

"As a writer I find myself getting too involved or sidetracked..."
"I get sidetracked too. I have this fear of being lonely and everytime I play with my band I put on makeup and go out and play. I hide that lonely guy. I go around girl from girl but I've never told anyone how lonely I get. I can sometimes sit writing a song and get depressed knowing I don't have someone by my side to help me out. So it sidetracks me all the time from writing." 

Thanks for your honesty. Keep Rocking and Rolling!
Kisses J xx

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