Friday 9 January 2015

2015 - Person number Seven

07 - 01 - 2015
"The New Girl"
This girl I met, is Polish. She's been in England 3 years now. A friendly face with a pretty smile, her English is great! I asked her more about her moving to this country.
"What made you decide on England?"
"My boyfriend wanted to move here, so I came with him"
"How long have you been here?"
"3 years, sorry my English is so bad"
"No, no, It's good! Did you know much English when you came here?"
"Nope. I learnt some at school but you know what it's like learning a different language at school and what they teach you."
"Yeah! You learn numbers and 'hello' but not really much else that will help you in actual conversation"
   "Exactly! At first it was okay, I worked in Spa with other Polish girls, and I could speak Polish. That's why I wanted to move to restaurant because I'd have to speak to you, to customers, to chefs..."

"When I was in Poland, my dad wanted to pay for everything. My car, my phone. Anything I wanted I got. I tried giving him money towards house but he wouldn't take it. Saying whilst I live here I don't have to pay. I didn't want to be that girl"

So there you go, a short but sweet conversation with a short but sweet girl. Her English is better than she thinks and I hope that she doesn't plan on leaving us anytime soon, England needs some friendly people!

Kisses, J xx

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