Monday 5 January 2015

2015 - Person Number Four

"Miss Brown"
A teacher in a primary school. She followed her dreams for this career for ages. Even in reception herself she would play schools with her classmates. Well she made it after University. Here she is now a Reception teacher in a local school. She loves it. So I got talking to her about her career and what's the best part of her chosen career. What we can learn from "Miss Brown" is that hard work and effort pay off in the end! You want that career, you go get it!

I asked her:
"What is the best part of your career?"
"Seeing the progress that children make and watching how they learn to read, write, count! And the smiles on their faces as well as the hilarious things they come out with. Like when I asked if they knew what a carpenter did and they said 'clean carpets'." 

"What is the worst part/not so great part of your job?"
"The amount of stress at times and the paperwork! And just not having enough hours in the day!"

"The good outweighs the bad though?, Would you consider other year groups?"
"Without a doubt, I wouldn't want to do anything else!"

"Would you consider teaching other year groups?""Yeah but mainly infant. So Reception-Year2 maybe when I'm more experienced in teaching but right now I'm happy where I am!"

Well, here's to you "Miss Brown"! I'm sure the kids adore you and you're making such a difference to their lives! Don't stop following your dreams! Keep up the good work! A* for effort!

Kisses J xx

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