Saturday 3 January 2015

2015 - 365 people - Person Number Two

'A Pieces Of The World Kind Of Guy'.

This guy added me on Facebook during 2014, we've got friends in common and he's a nice guy. He's currently rebuilding his kitchen and photos of his achievements appear on my news feed occasionally. Good old "Pieces Of The World Kind Of Guy" did manage to start a small fire in his kitchen this evening...
He started tonight's conversation asking me why I was in on a Friday night! This is when I decided he could be person number two or 'Pieces Of The World Kind Of Guy'. I explained to him my plan and he said it was a pretty good idea. I asked my "Pieces Of The World Kind Of Guy":

"IF money was no object, what would you do?" 
"This won't sound real - I'd love to be building schools and houses in Africa. It might seem a little self indulgent but I don't take pleasure in many things, I'm not that optimistic a person. But genuinely helping others makes me happy in any capacity"

I hope "Pieces Of The World" gets a chance to even get that one brick closer!

It's answers like this that make me excited for the remaining 363 people!

Kisses, J xx

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