Friday 9 January 2015

2015 - Person Number Eight

"Ray7 and ducttapegirl"
So with this one, I went on the Internet to meet someone... I tried numerous chatrooms which of course, conversations ended abruptly as I wasn't sitting on the other end with my boobs out... Apparently this is what Internet chatrooms are used for now! Eugh, what happened to the good old days when you could just 'chat'.
But alas, I kept trying different sites and I found a chat with a few people in it but only about 4 having an actual conversation. I said hello and told them of my venture, they thought this was a great idea and thought I'd do well! That was nice of them, I thought. 
So, I asked "Ray7" more about him, he's a 45 year old (or 7 x 5, that was how he put it) who lives in Dubai. He was born there, but isn't an Arab. Our conversation was interrupted by two other conversations going on at the same time, so I tried to involve the others too! I asked him for an interesting fact about him, he replied with "Is watching Dangermouse an interesting fact?". I said no... but actually Dangermouse is pretty cool! Just goes to show how other people perceive 'interesting'! 
Another girl in the conversation was 'ducttapegirl'. She was rather more interesting.  A young woman teaching English in China. What a find!! I asked her what made her decide to move, after all, it's a HUGE move. She said 'there was nothing at home for me anymore and it's what I've always wanted to do'. I admired that. A stranger I've never met and yet I admire her! Ducttapegirl then told me about her colleague, another teacher who's aim was to remain in China for 8 years and then catch a boat and sail back to Spain. That's an adventure!
She described the difference in her street in China and her street back home in America..
"last night i was walking down a small street on my way home....i passed by a pet store with cages of birds.....a pink room (lady of the evening), a business where they make these steel parts for something....and old boiler room, 3 hair salons......a classy looking coffee shop, a woman brushing her teeth in the street, a woman washing clothes in the dark on the street and much more...all in one block"

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