Tuesday 27 January 2015

2015 I'm back! Person Number 15

27 - 01 - 2015
"The ageless face"

So the person I met here, I didn't do in normal style... I just got chatting to them. Recently she had ventured to Nottingham for a night out. Now this girl is only 17 and uses a fake ID to get into clubs... Let's be honest, the majority of us have done that at some point! "The ageless face" told me she does feel nervous sometimes when the bouncers are checking her fake ID and glancing between her face and the card. But then she explains that it's all about confidence and making a joke to somewhat distract the bouncer.
Now this conversation got me thinking... why do we do it... why are we in such a rush to get older... I'm 21 and really cannot see the fascination in it! But I can see the appeal of doing something we're not allowed to do. It's tempting isn't it... When someone is told to not go in a certain cupboard or not to touch a button... you want to do it... Something as simple as christmas or birthday presents being hidden but you still have an innate desire to find them! Thats what drives the excitement through our veins. The illusion that being told we're not allowed out til we're 18... and wondering why it's only for the adults... Of course, you get there... realise hangovers are a horrible repercussion... But you still live for the buzz.. the buzz that you might be caught out by a bouncer at some point... Until then you enjoy the thrill and the win that comes with the nod of a 6ft something giant that is your permission to enter the club.

Kisses xx

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