Friday 9 January 2015

2015 - Person number Six

06 - 01 - 2015
"The Escape Artist"
This person has a fascinating, but terrifying story. From Leeds, she moved down south to St Neots. I asked her why she moved and she told me a story of the horrible things she had to endure in Leeds. "The Escape Artist" left her family and seeked refuge down south. Here's her story when asked:
"Why did you leave Leeds?"
"Leeds is an amazing city, it's great for shopping, and nightlife. But it's full of crime. My house was burgled on 4 different occasions and it was the final time that I thought 'this is the final straw'.  Basically, I was on a night out and her son was staying at a friends. I came home to find my house ruined, they'd thrown my son's bed to the other side of the room! Also my next door neighbours house, they tried to set fire to theirs. If me and my son had been at home, we wouldn't be here today. That was the final straw, I had to get out, so a friend from here said 'I'm selling my house, do you want my current one? and here I am."

Sounds terrifying! I also asked her if anything else had happened. Here she tells a story of being confronted by a shirtless man with a machete.
"I'd lost my other half, we'd both gone out separately and arranged to meet in a certain club at the end of the night. Well I couldn't find him so I wandered around and I found some steps to sit on. I sat there rolling a fag and I was approached by a shirtless man, bearing in mind it's winter! He's swinging this machete around and screaming 'some white bitch has nicked my money', now I'm the only white girl in the place, so I'm feeling pretty scared for my life right now. After hitting me and smashing my head against the wall, the two men start talking. They're talking about how much money I could make them, obviously planning on selling my body. I've never been so scared in my life, I managed to escape through the door, if not who knows what could have happened."

So this person's evidently been through a lot but she's here with us now!
I'm gonna stay away from Leeds.

Kisses xx J

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